Monday, August 5, 2013


Dis-enchanted starts out like a Terry Pratchett kind of fantasy, silly footnotes and all. But, after a while, author Robert Kroese manages to find his own voice.  Unfortunately, it's not a particularly interesting one.  It's not bad or anything like that, I just didn't find the novel particularly compelling.

The various twists at the end, instead of being surprising, feel arbitrary.  This novel began life as a serial novel, and it feels like Kroese got to a certain point and realized that it wasn't really working for him.  In particular, the driving force of the story turns out to be an accident that could have been easily overcome at any point in the story.  In short, I'd say that Dis-Enchanted is successful on the micro level (the jokes are pretty consistently chuckle-worthy), but not so much on the macro plot level.

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